Friday, October 2, 2020



A friend who lost weight doing keto asked me how I’m losing weight eating all the fruit I want, so I did the math.


I used the calculator from this website to determine my basal metabolic rate

BMR for females = 655.1 + (4.35 x weight) + (4.7 x height) – (4.7 x age) 

I’m 5’2”, 41 years old, and had been 185 lbs for a while when I began the diet. I used to do yoga but had stopped, and do call center work all day so I was very sedentary.

655.1 + (4.35 x 185) + (4.7 x 62) – (4.7 x 41) = 655.1 + (4.35 x 185) + (4.7 x 62) – (4.7 x 41)

= 655.1 + (804.75) + (291.4) – (192.7)

= 1558.55

x 1.2, or sedentary (little to no exercise)

= 1870.26 = calories needed to maintain weight


In a typical day on the diet I consume:

35 calories coffee + creamer

210 breakfast: cereal

120 snack: shake

362 lunch: HMR entree + 2 cups vegetables

169 snack: shake + fruit

662 dinner: 2 HMR entrees + 2 cups vegetables

105 dessert : one medium fruit, e.g. a banana

= 1663 calories

 1870.26 - 1663 = 207.26 daily calorie deficit

I’m also working my way up to the minimum physical activity guideline of 2000 calories per week, which is 285.714285714, or a little under 300 calories per day. 

207.26 + 285.714285714 = 492.974285714

3500/492.974285714 = 7.09976179575, or roughly one pound lost every seven days.


So basically I'm eating less and exercising more, that's how.



  A friend who lost weight doing keto asked me how I’m losing weight eating all the fruit I want, so I did the math. ~*~*~* I used the calcu...